Well our u/s at 20 weeks confirmed what we were told at 15 weeks and that is that it is most certainly a sweet baby GIRL! I am so happy. I totally had these irrational thoughts that there would suddenly be a penis. LOL Not that it would be the end of the world, but I spent 3 hours putting up a girly tree decal in the nursery! Which reminds me that I need to post some pictures soon!
I have been feeling tons of movement. She kicks and punches me all day and I love every one of them. My husband got to feel her kick for the first time the other day and the look on his face was priceless. I LOVED it.
I'm getting pretty big and round already! I recently went to an expecting Moms meetup.com group and there were these tiny pregnant women over 30 weeks who made me look like a cow. Oh well. Everyone carries differently I guess.
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about what we went through back in December and January with our miscarriage. Even when I got pregnant again I was still feeling a lot of anger over what happened but I've finally learned to let go of that. It still makes me sad to think of it, the moment we realized our baby was definitely gone, and the look on my husbands face as it crumbled when he began to cry. The way my legs wouldn't work at that first fateful ultrasound and I thought I would die. Now that I have our little Hannah growing inside me, I feel differently. As hard as it all was, it made me stronger, my husband stronger, and it made our marriage unbreakable. I now truly believed it happened for a reason. That God wanted to test our love and strength. And when we passed the test, when we came together stronger than ever, He quickly gave us our new gift, our little baby girl. I know that there is still time for bad things to happen but I don't think about that anymore. I completely trust that this is our take home baby, and that we had to lose our other one in order to give life to this one. Right now, I couldn't be more grateful.
Love love love this!! Congrats on your baby girl, on being a survivor, and strengthening your marriage!