Thursday, September 13, 2012

35 Week Checkup!

Alright so now that I got all that other stuff off my chest in my last post, let's move onto some updates about the pregnancy!

I had my OB checkup yesterday with my favorite doctor at the practice, Dr. Crider.  I was so happy to finally see him because it's been months (he's been all booked up).  Luckily I scheduled all the rest of my appointments for the rest of pregnancy and will get to see him every time.

I've gained 1 pound since two weeks ago putting the grand total at 8 pounds so far.  I am very happy with that considering I started out overweight to begin with and the doctors are very happy too.

Belly is measuring over 36 weeks which could indicate a bigger baby, but it could also mean nothing.
I am NOT dilated at all (dammit!) but my cervix is soft and beginning to thin out he said so that is a positive thing.  Little girl had turned herself breech two days ago but then turned herself back head down which I was happy to find out.

Now to the concerns of the pregnancy.  My BP is high, like 141/91 and there is protein in my urine which are all potential signs of pre-eclampsia.  So, I have to monitor my BP (my parents lent me their machine) and I also started a 24 hour urine collection this morning.  I have to put every pee I do into a jug that I will be bringing back to the lab.  It's a pain in the ass considering I pee every 2 min, but hey, you do what you gotta go.  All day yesterday my BP was on the higher side but it did get to normal at one point.  Dr. Crider believes the 24 hour urine collection should give us some more answers.

The other concern is about my placenta.  It's been low lying ever since my 19 week scan.  I had another u/s at 31 weeks (because my doctors felt it would most likely have moved up by then) but it was still too low lying.  So now I go in at 36 weeks (Friday, Sept 21st) for a final u/s to determine whether or not it is far enough away from my cervix for a vaginal birth.  It has to be at least 2 centimeters away.  If not, we have no choice but to schedule a c-section which will happen somewhere around 39 weeks.  I wish I could say I had a good feeling about this, but I don't.  I just have this gut feeling that my placenta has not moved enough and I want to prepare myself for the disappointment if I'm not able to give birth vaginally.  So I'm preparing.  And if I go in and it's moved, then awesome.  If not, I will just know that the c-section will be the safest option for me and Hannah.

So...that's basically it right now.  I had some stuff I wanted to do today but I think it would be awkward to go out with my pee jugs.  Lol....although it does make me laugh thinking about it.  So I will sit here and home and just collect pee all day!

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