Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So my OB called me yesterday with the results of my 24 hour urine collection and informs me that I have mild preeclampsia.  And now that I am diagnosed they need to monitor me much more closely because it can go from mild to severe very quickly.  So he made me go into L&D triage yesterday for a few hours for blood pressure monitoring, some labs, and a NST on the baby. 

When I got to the hospital my BP was 142/90, which wasn't good.  BUT, after that it started to go   back down to normal, which was good.  Labs came back OK, and the NST was good.  Hannah wasn't in any stress and is doing just fine.  So they allowed me to go home.  The doctor on duty there told me I will have to go into the office twice a week right now for BP monitoring and that I need to be taking it myself every hour or so at home (which I've been doing already).

I know the doctors want me to keep Hannah in there until at least 37 weeks so hopefully nothing escalates too much before then. 

Oh and I'm now officially on complete bed rest, which SUCKS.  I get bored very easily but hey, whatever is best for baby and me. 

I've been pretty calm with the diagnosis until I started googling which I need to stay away from.  I need to just have faith that the doctors are doing enough to make sure we are safe.

On Friday I will have an u/s to check growth and also to check my placentas position.  If my placenta has not moved the 2cm at least away from the cervix I will definitely be having a c-section.  I hope the tech will be willing to give me some of those numbers....otherwise I have to wait until Monday....

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you are really listening to the Drs. Its hard to be on bedrest, because you feel fine. I had a different form of Pre-E. It can get ugly fast. Good luck!!
