Monday, February 6, 2012

I just have this feeling...

...that I may be pregnant again. I haven't been over analyzing but I do have the same symptoms I had in my last pregnancy.

I have cramping on both sides, sometimes light, sometimes intense. I also broke out all over my shoulders and chest. My bbs don't hurt but there is the zinging sensation sometimes in my nipples. AND, I've had queasiness, especially in the evenings for the past 2-3 days.

So I caved and tested on cheapies today and there IS something there. I'm either 8 or 9dpo, most likely 8dpo...

Here is a link to my post on tww:

All I can do now is just wait and see what happens! Either way, I promise to myself to not get too excited if it IS positive and not get upset if it turns out a fluke. Whatever it is, it is!